We are a dental practice with over 30 years experience. Since 1990 we have provided services to our patients. Our professional group is composed of US trained dentists from highly reputable dental schools.
We are a dental group of US trained physicians, graduated from highly reputable universities, members of the American Dental Association and Colegio de Cirujanos y Dentistas de Puerto Rico. All coming together through a passion for what we do and our commitment. Which revolves around offering the latest technology, treatment that provides security, peace of mind and the quality of service that every dental patient deserves.
Over the years, the theme of innovation, new forms, and, in short, all kinds of advances in the field of dentistry have brought us together as professionals with the same vocation to serve our patients.
Since 1990 we have provided services to our patients. Our professional group is composed of US trained dentists from highly reputable dental schools.
We are a dental group of US trained physicians, graduated from highly reputable universities, members of the American Dental Association and Colegio de Cirujanos y Dentistas de Puerto Rico. All coming together through a passion for what we do and our commitment. Which revolves around offering the latest technology, treatment that provides security, peace of mind and the quality of service that every dental patient deserves.
Over the years, the theme of innovation, new forms, and, in short, all kinds of advances in the field of dentistry have brought us together as professionals with the same vocation to serve our patients.